Blue Diamond Almond Bloom Report – February 20, 2013
February 20, 2013 Blue Diamond Almond Bloom Report – A fast moving, but fairly potent weather system passed through the region this week. Morning low temperatures were heavily influenced by the degree of cloud cover at sunrise, with areas having fewer clouds dropping into the mid 30’s while...
California Almond Crop Shipments Remain Strong
February 11, 2013 The California almond industry shipped 156.5 million pounds for the month of January, 2% ahead of January last year. Current year crop receipts are 1.839 billion pounds, 4% behind prior year, continuing to project a final total below 1.9 billion pounds. The U.S. is driving industry...
First of the Season, California Almond Pre-Bloom Report
February 8, 2013. Blue Diamond California Almond Pre-Bloom Report. This report covers observations and conditions just prior to the start of the 2013 bloom. Spirited storm systems passed through the state during the last half of November and much of December dropping a significant amount of rainfall upon...
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett
The almond industry has enjoyed strong volume growth for the past two years with steady increases in price — an enviable position for any industry. Prices over the two year period increased by $.40-50 or 12.5% annually with demand growing by 427 million pounds or 13.5% annually. Even with...
2012 Almond Crop Over 60% Committed
Worldwide Demand for Almonds Expected to Continue in Light of Tighter Supplies
Did you know that name for Almonds in China is changing to Ba Dan Mu? Protectionism, by their bitter Apricot kernel industry, was the driver of this coming change. Through December 2012 almond crop receipts are 1.74 billion lbs. We now project the full 2012 crop to be less...
Strong Demand for California Almonds Limited by Supply
November California Almond Shipments 5th Largest in History
Did you know that the 184 million lbs. of California almonds shipped in November is the fifth largest monthly shipment total in the history of the California industry? It’s simply amazing how fast the California almond industry has grown. Year-To-Date, as expected, California almond shipments are flat to last...
Blue Diamond Almonds Revs Up Global Push
This story is taken from the Sacramento Bee. Blue Diamond revs up global push By Mark Glover PUBLISHED SUNDAY, NOV. 18, 2012 With Sacramento roots dating back more than a century, Blue Diamond Growers is about as local as...
Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak to more than 1,000 members…..
November 15, 2012 Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak to more than 1,000 members of the Blue Diamond Almond Growers Cooperative at our 102nd annual meeting in Modesto. This event is something I look forward to each year. Many of the meeting highlights were captured by the Sacramento...