Category: Almond Market Updates

North American Demand for Almonds Continues a Steady Drumbeat

 The Beat Goes On…. The pace of 2013 new crop commitments was brisk in January at 180 million lbs, with prices rising steadily throughout the month. With January shipments of 160.2 million lbs, YTD shipments continue to track 5% above the prior year. The 2013 crop is 68-69% committed...

U.S. Sustaining Global Almond Demand

 January 9, 2014 Sacramento, California. For the second consecutive year, domestic consumption of California Almonds is driving demand. U.S. shipments have grown 11% over a year ago and in December they posted a 20% gain.  The U.S. is the most consistent, largest and greatest source of growth for California...

Global Demand for California Almonds Remains Strong

  Demand for California Almonds remains strong. Shipments for the month of November exceeded prior year by nearly 8%. Year-to-date, shipments continue to run ahead of last year at 7.4%. Commitments for November rose by 149 million lbs., putting the 2013 California almond supply at 57% shipped and committed....

October 2013 – California Almond Shipments Set Record

The October Almond Board Position Report shows continued strong growth in almond shipments and forward commitments.  For October, California almond shipments were 3% higher than last year at 228.6 million lbs. This represent the largest single month shipments in the history of the California almond industry. Year-To-date, shipments are...

The 2013 Almond Crop Shows Positive Gains in August

September 11, 2013 August almond shipments showed a meaningful gain of 6% versus prior year for the first month’s shipments of the new crop. Domestic shipments continued to show strength against prior year with growth of 5%. Crop receipts were up 62% over last year, however it is too...

Final Shipment Data for 2012 Almond Crop Released

The final shipment data for the 2012 almond crop, released today, shows industry shipments ending with an expected flourish. As projected in the last Almond Insights video update, July shipments exceeded 150 million lbs. The final tally of 151.1 million lbs is up 31.4 million lbs and 26% over...

NASS Objective Estimate Shocks Industry

July 12, 2013 – The industry was shocked by the NASS Objective Estimate of 1.85 billion pounds for the 2013 crop.  The eyeball test of the crop appears much larger, but misses the quantitative sampling of kernel size.  Handlers raised 2013 selling prices by $.40 a pound in response,...

NASS Estimate on Lower Side of Industry Expectations

The NASS Objective Estimate for the 2013 California almond crop was released, July 1, 2013 at 1.85 billion lbs. The projection is 2% below last year’s crop and down 7.5% from May’s subjective forecast. A lighter Nonpareil crop and smaller kernel sizes across all varieties are contributing to the lower...