Tag: trends

Blue Diamond Growers rings up $1.2B in revenue

Fantastic 103rd Blue Diamond Annual Meeting! BY MARK GLOVER mglover@sacbee.com November 20, 2013 Read more here: http://www.modbee.com/2013/11/20/3042330/blue-diamond-growers-rings-up.html#!#storylink=cpy   MODESTO — California-grown almonds continue to be a red-hot commodity for Blue Diamond Growers, which will report record income of $1.2 billion at its annual meeting in Modesto today. President and...

The 2013 Almond Crop Shows Positive Gains in August

September 11, 2013 August almond shipments showed a meaningful gain of 6% versus prior year for the first month’s shipments of the new crop. Domestic shipments continued to show strength against prior year with growth of 5%. Crop receipts were up 62% over last year, however it is too...

Blue Diamond opens first phase of major plant in Turlock

Yesterday was a historic day for Blue Diamond Growers as we opened the doors to our new plant in Turlock, California. The new operation supports the significant growth in our global almond ingredients business with a facility that sets new standards for food safety. Over 300 people  attended the grand...

May California Almond Industry Market Update

June 11, 2013 Almond Prices Firming Final receipts for the 2012 almond crop put the total at 1.88 billion lbs., a 7% decrease from the prior year. Shipments for the year will consume the entire 2012 supply and cut into the ending inventory. As a result, prices in late...

2012 California Almond Crop is ~73% Shipped & Committed

March 8, 2013 – Year-To-Date shipments of California almonds continue to track as expected, flat to last year, limited by supply. Current year crop receipts are 1.865 billion pounds, 5% behind prior year, continuing to project a final total below 1.9 billion pounds. Seven months into the almond industry’s...

November California Almond Shipments 5th Largest in History

Did you know that the 184 million lbs. of California almonds shipped in November is the fifth largest monthly shipment total in the history of the California industry? It’s simply amazing how fast the California almond industry has grown. Year-To-Date, as expected, California almond shipments are flat to last...