Blue Diamond Almonds – Consolidated Almond Harvest Report

  This is the final report of the 2013 crop year, covering the conditions and observations made between Monday, September 30 and Sunday, October 27, 2013. The next report will be posted on or about Monday, February 3, 2014 prior to the start of the 2014 bloom. Clear, dry...

Blue Diamond Almonds – Harvest Report

This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, September 2nd and Sunday September 29th, 2013. The seasonal transformation from summer to fall brought a sharp change in the regions weather. Maximum temperatures increased daily from the low to mid 80’s in the period’s opening days, reaching their peak...

The 2013 Almond Crop Shows Positive Gains in August

September 11, 2013 August almond shipments showed a meaningful gain of 6% versus prior year for the first month’s shipments of the new crop. Domestic shipments continued to show strength against prior year with growth of 5%. Crop receipts were up 62% over last year, however it is too...

Blue Diamond Almonds – Consolidated Almond Harvest Report

    September 3, 2013, Sacramento, California   This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, August 5 and Sunday September 1, 2013. The next report is scheduled for Monday, September 30, 2013. However, in the event of any significant occurrences prior to that date, this site will...

Blue Diamond Almonds – Consolidated Almond Orchard Report

This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, July 1 and Sunday August 4, 2013. The next report is scheduled for Monday, September 2, 2013. However, in the event of any significant occurrences prior to that date, this site will be updated as soon as possible. Continuing the...

Final Shipment Data for 2012 Almond Crop Released

The final shipment data for the 2012 almond crop, released today, shows industry shipments ending with an expected flourish. As projected in the last Almond Insights video update, July shipments exceeded 150 million lbs. The final tally of 151.1 million lbs is up 31.4 million lbs and 26% over...

NASS Objective Estimate Shocks Industry

July 12, 2013 – The industry was shocked by the NASS Objective Estimate of 1.85 billion pounds for the 2013 crop.  The eyeball test of the crop appears much larger, but misses the quantitative sampling of kernel size.  Handlers raised 2013 selling prices by $.40 a pound in response,...