Investing for Future Growth

I am optimistic about almonds! The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported that California’s almond crop subjective estimate is 2.3 billion pounds. Within the next five years, the almond harvest is predicted to increase to 3 billion pounds. Each number reflects the changes happening within the industry, including the...

Celebrating World Water Day

Blue Diamond’s 3,000-plus growers are committed to the long-term viability of the resources needed to sustain their family farms. March 22 is World Water Day, designated by the United Nations to focus attention on the importance of water and the sustainable management of water resources. In honor of its...

Current Freeze Conditions Impacting California Almond Growers

California almond growers are facing a challenging week ahead as temperatures are expected to drop below freezing, threatening damage to blooming orchards and developing crops. All almond varieties are at significant risk for loss when overnight temperatures reach 28 degrees and below. While the conditions can vary from the...

The Value of Partnerships

With 2018 now underway, I want to first wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year! Last year was an exciting one for Blue Diamond and I am energized for what this year will offer the cooperative, our grower-owners and the almond industry. The partnerships Blue Diamond has built...