Sustaining Healthy Growth

2020 was a year of historic proportions. The global pandemic created significant issues in both international trade and logistics, as well as in consumer buying patterns. After last spring’s dramatic price correction, pricing has remained relatively consistent through the fall season, with rallying points occurring as customers respond to...

The Power of Innovation, The Value of Blue Diamond

This is a unique year for Blue Diamond, where business as usual is dramatically changing. We are continuously finding new ways to navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 health crisis.    This past year, apprehensions over tariff issues with China were replaced by world-wide concerns over the impacts of...

Rising to the Challenge

We can agree that this has been an extraordinary year. I know the challenges and uncertainty presented by this COVID-19 health crisis have been far reaching in both the personal and professional lives of our team members and grower-owners. In agriculture, the seasons continue even with the challenges of...

Almond Market Update: Year-End Report for Crop Year 2019

The position report from Blue Diamond’s Global Ingredients Division is available. Each month I will share the industry report covering the state of the crop supply, shipments, and domestic and export market status for the month and over the prior year....